donderdag 30 december 2010

In every dream you're my guiding light

Yesterday was my first time at Primark. OHH MYYY GOSHH THAT WAS THE MOST OVERCROWDED STORE I'VE EVER BEEN TO !! I stepped into the store, and there were like millions of people xd I was with 5 friends, and 2 immediately went outside again. But i stayed, with no regrets, because i got some awesome stuff!
Here some quick photo's of my newest acquisitions..It's not all i bought, the rest will be come later.

My cute shirt/ dress thing .. i hadn't really done my hair so don't look at it xd

My first primark shoes. I hope the are gonna be a little bit of a good quality..

It was the last pair and actually in my size! Isn't that like predestined?
So have you been to primark?
And do you have experience with the quality?


vrijdag 24 december 2010


Just playing with my camera, christmas trees, and selfmade bouquetthings. xd I don't really know how to call them in English.. Anyway, have a very nice christmas!

and ofcourse... my selfmade chocolate cake!


vrijdag 17 december 2010

It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do

My outfit of today, was really quick. I haven't been able to post for a week, or check my messages, because of my exams! It didn't went really well, so im curious about the notes i will get..

Anyway, i've worn a big shirt, which is one of my favorites. I don't know, it's just really comfortable, and easy to match with a jeans or leggings.
My necklace is reaaaaly big haha (: I really like it, cause it is outstanding, and nobody on my school has it, and i still am a bow addict..
The shoes are really walkable and i also think they are pretty.. haha sorry it was a really quick photo session xd so not the prettiest images.

SHOES: Sacha
LEGGINGS: coolcat

It's a beautiful night,
We're looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.

woensdag 8 december 2010

Olivia Palermo for Mango

Last month, the pictures of Oliva Palermo for mango were on the internet! I wanted to post this earlier but simply ran out of time..
For those who didn't know, Olivia Palermo ( from MTV : The City) Is the new face of the autumn/winter collection of Mango!
She did the shoot, together with her boyfriend, Johannes Huebl.
The photographers said that they loved the chemistry between the two of them, and that really helped the pictures. Well, i think they are beautifull, but i don't really see the chemistry? I see beautifull pictures, but it doesn't seem that they totally love each other..

So what do you think? Pictures full of chemistry?

woensdag 1 december 2010

My love is, just waiting, to turn your tears into roses

Well, we all have the feeling. You just got paid, and you feel the ritchest woman of the world. Then you check the beautifullest designer outfits, and there goes the feeling.. Will i ever be able to affort this?

Cute little balenciaga dress of 2009 (: It's not the newest, and i don't exactly know what it is in this outfit what i love, but i love it!

these lovely marc jacobs sunglasses, with little bows on the sides! i'm a bow addict haha (:

this beautiful hermes bag, i love the texture of it! the fethers in combination with the gold, and the white, it's amazing!

I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE jeffery campbell shoes. The heels are soo high mostly, but i love them. I saw them for the first at , worn by rumi neely, where they looked so good!

I would totally have this amazing burberry prosum trenchcoat. I love the way the sleeves are total eye-catchers, and i love the soft, sweet color.

the beautifull lanvin outfits

Omg i totally love Rick Owens! he creates the beautifullest things. I always look at his fashionshows online. I hope one day, i will be there front row too. (:
Anyway, i think these shoes look so amazing!
So, what would you buy if you were that ritch? (:

dinsdag 30 november 2010

When the light hits your eyes

Today i went to my fathers room, sneaking in his closet. Then i found an awesome blazer he never wears! It only was waaaaaaay to big, but who cares. I grabbed an belt, and wore it :) Then i grabbed my favorite vintage hat. It used to be from my mothers grandpa, so its real vintage. The scarf, is actually from my mum. Yeah i know, i steal everyones clothes haha. But the pants and the shoes are really mine hahaha! My mum doenst like that i steal her clothes sometimes XD because i have way more clothes then her, and she doenst want too miss anything of herself. but that;s just mean , how else could i get different combinations?

I also like the scarf, because it's so detailled. It is a very long one, but so sophisticated. And i really like the collor. It's a pitty that i didnt buy one myself when they were still in the store, but hey, i can always borrow hers..

Jacket: vintage
Hat: vintage
Belt: vintage
Pants: coolcat
Shoes: sacha
Bracelets: H &M

Anyway, i had fun.
how about you?

zaterdag 27 november 2010

Stop the car and take me home

When i got up, i immediately had a cold. How could that happen? Well, i looked out of my window, and i practically saw a white world! Snow!
Well, i hate winter. I love summer so much more. But this white landscape was so fairytale-ish. So i grabbed some clothes, and went outside.. This are some pictures of my outfit and the snow (:

me in my backyard (:

Shoes: Sacha
Stregging: Coolcat
Bag: Cloë
Coat: Reset

donderdag 25 november 2010

why fly when you can walk?

so saturday i went to the museum. There was a fashion exposition, about very old fabrics. The name in Dutch was 'Vergeten Stoffen'. I didnt really know what to expect, but when we arrived there it was so much fun. I have like, a shoe addiction, so i already hoped there were some shoes. When we followed a guide, i immediately saw the only pair of shoes there were..

Haha they look so old hey? The guide told us they were made to protect the shoes, if the manual workers went to their jobs. Especially farmers wore them. These shoes are really a part of history themselves.
There were also these cool jackets.
I would really wear them today. Especially the most right one. With some black skinny jeans, a pair of fashionable heels, and maybe a big scarf to dress it down a bit. But unfortunately, they were not sold..
Than some woman heard i wanna go to Fashion School after my general secundairy higher education. She wrote my number down, and said that maybe i could help with the styling someday :D oh my god that would be awesome!

woensdag 24 november 2010

from a little spark may burst a flame

soo today i was like totally dressing up. I had this thing on school, and i wished i would look perfect. After wishing, what did my eyes see? There was a hole in my panty! Just my luck. But than i saw scissors and thought, hey, it's damaged anyway. So i started to work with my scissors, and after adding more holes, i liked it anyway (:

Anyway, i had fun today (: you?