With their everlasting bargains, their common fashion sense, and their to-drool-over heels, how can humans possibly get bored?
Last time i went there, i bought this skirt, for only 3 euro's ! i thought the price tag was lying, but when i came at the cash desk they really only asked for 3. AWESOME!
I also bought these pink feathered earrings i really like..
Tell me what u think! (:
Sorry for the crappy quality. I don't know what's wrong with my camera today..
The last two pics are the the real collors of the skirt.. Stupid camera.
Today i was walking with this outfit on, through the hallways of university. Then some girl asked me if she please could take a photograph for her fashionblog cus i was looking 'so nice'.
So i was not only blinding innocent people with these bright collors, i was also enjoying them.. Well good to know! Thankyou miss Deedee!
How do you guys feel about collors? Because i kind off have the feeling that they're so rare these days. Lately i was walking through the school and all i saw was black, grey, and other dark collors. I mean, everyone has it's off days.. But do you have to wear black all the time? I would get mental!
Well, please leave so comments and tell me what u think (: